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DL's Movie Watch List: 5 Winter Classics

Shanley Smith

A Winter "Classic" Watch List brought to you by the writers of Dimly Lit

We're all for books and literature here at Dimly Lit, but we're not above relying on the occasional movie fix. Especially during winter. Us writers can often be found cozying up under a blanket with a mug of tea, or wine, or whiskey.

As the holidays set in, we find ourselves returning to some of our old standbys. Some might seem familiar to you, while others might seem outlandish. To us they feel like the Christmas, like snowdays, or a winter blues coping mechanism. We invite you to indulge in a few of what we consider classics. Comfy PJs and warm beverages are highly recommended.

1. Star Wars IV and V

“I love kitsch and camp, especially if it’s not supposed to be there. The warmth of spirit in these movies and the playfulness of the world bely the intense narrative pull — the fate of the galaxy. I will always love Star Wars and the desert in episode 4 especially captures my imagination in the cold months.”

- Michael Stone

Star Trek: The Voyage Home

“The Star Trek whale movie is the best motion picture ever conceived of in this or any possible reality. Seminal Winter Film. Right up there with the Charlie Brown Christmas stuff. The Part where Spock jumps into the tank to mind-meld with the whale? Classic.”

- Harper Reese

Barbie Nutcracker

"[My brother] and I watch it every year because we can never agree on a movie. Neither of us truly love Barbie Nutcracker (at least I pretend that I don’t) so it makes it a perfect movie to pick. We just sit there and mock Major Mint like amicable siblings"

- Jolie Smith

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

"Honestly, almost any of the Harry Potter’s will do. Something about seeing Hogsmeade dusted in snow convinces me that the holidays have arrived. The series also shares two essential ingredients in common with Christmas: magic and nostalgia. Whenever I’m hungering after the spirit of childhood Christmases, Harry Potter is my go to."

- Shanley Smith

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

"This is the first movie I ever saw in theaters. I was about Lucy's age when it came out, and my family went to see it around Christmas time. It started snowing while we were inside the theatre, and when we came out, it felt like I'd stepped out from the wardrobe into a winter wonderland. I didn't speak on the way to the car- I didn't want any words to sully the moment. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe still conjures that snowy night, and my introduction to the concept of wonder."

- Kellyanne Fitzgerald


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